Thursday, August 27, 2009

Elizabeth Swann Gold Gown

(Promo Shot)

About a year ago, I found a Simplicity Pattern that is perfect for Elizabeth Swann's gold dress from Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl (the designer of the costume thought so too, I guess). I have been have a very difficult time finding a material that would be good for her over-dress, although, a few weeks ago I did find some clearenced material at JoAnn's that I think would have been a good match. To bad they only had 4 yds.


Elizabeth's accessories play an important part in making her outfit complite. Her fan draws attention to the fact that she is having a hard time breathing and is trying to wave more air into her face. Her hat show that she is a well-bred young lady who keeps the sun off her face so she can maintain a flawless complextion. Her necklace and earrings are elegant and costly, yet subtle. Although, I kinda think that the gp;d and pearl necklace was just worn for some of the photoshoots because I'm pretty sure she was wearing the medallion the whole time in the movie. I could be wrong though.